A Shaky Start to a Successful Career

Stumble and Fall

I recently discovered an inspiring, fun, informative website called OpeningLines.org. This blog by Seth Fiegerman takes a look at the very first steps in the careers of the famous and successful.

There are names we all know—actors, musicians, scientists, educators, community leaders, and writers we admire. We don’t think of them losing their first talent contest or being told they have no aptitude for the field in which they later dazzle us all. But that—or some form of it—is what happens to many. So here are a few stories that might help you along when you start to doubt your songwriting career.

Your Songwriting Career: Are YOU In the Driver’s Seat?

Picture your songwriting career as a car. Just for fun, let’s say it’s a Ferrari. It might not feel like one right now but that’s because it’s not going anywhere very fast.

It could be that your car is driving in circles, starting and stopping, or stuck in neutral. Maybe the driver is asleep at the wheel or doesn’t know how to get where they’re going. Wouldn’t it be better if the driver woke up, checked the GPS, took hold of the wheel, and harnessed the power of that amazing engine to get to a real destination?

You are the car’s driver. The engine that powers this car is your Energy, Inspiration, Desire, and Excitement. There’s plenty of potential there but unless the you have a real idea where you’re going and how to get there, the car can’t take you there on its own.

Start your engine

A successful journey starts with a clear destination in mind. Do you want to…

  • Have a career as a recording artist?
  • Write songs for other people to sing?
  • Write songs for film and TV?
  • Be a songwriter-producer?
  • Make money with your songs or write for friends, family, or your community?

Maybe you want to do all of these. Destinations can change, of course, but it’s a good idea to start your trip with one clearly in mind.

WRITE DOWN A DESTINATION YOU WANT TO REACH. If you can’t decide on just one, pick the one you want to go to first, then list the others.

The road starts at your front door. If you wait for someone to come along and pave a road just for you, it’ll never happen. You have to make your own road.  At the end of this post, I’ve included four ideas to get you started.

Real, no-nonsense songwriting info.

Robin Frederick: songwriter, author


My students and clients have had song placements in movies, prime -time TV, artist cuts, and hundreds of thousands of streams on Spotify. Get started on your songwriting journey and find out how far it will take you!

On this site, you’ll find over 125 HOW-TO TIPS and SONG STARTERS! Each one will help you  write songs that express your thoughts and feelings while giving your style a contemporary, commercial edge.

And be sure to check out my Hit Song Guides where I reverse-engineer 50+ hit songs to show you how they did it. To get a free songwriting tip or song guide every month, sign up for my Songwriting Tips email.

Songwriting tools you can use…

Check out my online Songwriting Courses

You’ll love my affordable, self-paced ONLINE COURSES!

  • Learn the secrets of hit songwriting.
  • Use the songwriting exercises to launch or finish songs. 
  • Get access to workshops and private feedback.
  • Write expressive songs listeners will love and the music industry needs.

More on this site…

Your Songwriting Coach

I’ve been studying hit songs for over 20 years. You can read 50+ of my Hit Song Guides on my Songwriting Tips & Inspiration website. In addition, I’ve been a record label executive, Film & TV songwriter with hundreds of credits, a music producer, and a working songwriter for my entire career.

My books—Shortcuts to Hit Songwriting and Shortcuts to Songwriting for Film & TV— have been used to teach the craft of songwriting at Musician’s Institute, Belmont University, and many more schools around the world.

Through TAXI.com, an Independent A&R company, I trained hit songwriters and music industry professionals to give feedback to thousands of aspiring and successful songwriters. Over the years, I learned that many hit songwriters can’t really explain how they do it. So, I dug down to see if I could find some answers. I’ve gathered tons of information and poured it into my books and websites. Have a look around and then get started on your hit songs!

Featured post

The Power of the Kick-Off Line

Annnnnd there’s the kick-off! The ball is in motion. The players explode into action. The fans are on their feet. It’s the moment they’ve all been waiting for! That’s the power of the kick off.

Now think about launching a verse or chorus with that kind of energy!

A kick-off line can add a big shot of excitement to any section of your song. It can be the attention-grabbing opening of Verse 1. It can be the boost that gives your chorus a chance to really soar.

An effective kick-off line is a combination of strong melody and lyric writing. So, let’s check out some examples from a few big, contemporary hit songs to see how it’s done.

Should I Write Or Should I Listen?

Probably every songwriter reading this would answer: WRITE! We all want to spend as much time as we can writing our songs: moving lyrics and melody forward, getting them finished, and starting new ones. Writing feels productive. It feels like you’re accomplishing something.

But listening to songs is just… well, it’s just something you enjoy, something you do when you’re driving, or studying. In other words, something you do while you’re actually doing something else.

But what if I said that listening to songs is as important to your success as writing songs? What if I told you that you should spend as much time listening as you do writing?