Songwriters, do you find yourself sitting on the couch watching TV when you should be writing? Does it seem like too much effort to workout in your home studio? Haven’t got the time to lift your guitar, do a few reps on the piano, or stretch those vocal cords at the mic?
Well, I’ve got the perfect life hack for you!
In just 30 MINUTES A DAY you can have the creative muscles you’ve always wanted. Wishing won’t make it happen. But if you’ve got a half hour a day to dedicate to your creative life, you can get your songwriting in the best shape ever!
Why 30-minute workouts?
CREATIVITY IS LIKE A MUSCLE. It needs a regular workout to stay in shape. Working the creative part of your brain for a half hour a day will…
- Increase your songwriting strength, speed, and agility.
- Get you in the habit of writing.
- Rev up your inspiration.
- Help you solve problems and get past roadblocks.
- Keep the creative switch turned ON.
Once you get into the groove, you’ll find that you don’t need huge chunks of free time to complete a task, and small accomplishments will add up to big goals met.
IT WORKS ON THE BUSINESS SIDE, TOO. You can apply 30-minute workouts to your music biz tasks as well. You know those things we all hate to do: copyrighting songs, keeping up contact lists, writing follow-up emails? You can do those in 30-minute sessions, too. Managing those tasks in short time periods helps you stop procrastinating, stay focused, and get things done.
Have a plan for your songwriting workout
Imagine going to a gym for a workout and just standing there looking at the equipment for a half hour! That would be a total waste of time. But how often have you stared at your keyboard or picked up your guitar or looked at a blank sheet of paper with some vague notion about writing a song?
Have a plan up front. Know what you’re going to work on when you sit down for a writing session. That alone will cut loads of wasted time from your efforts.
If you don’t finish a plan within the 30-minute time frame, that’s okay. You can pick up where you left off in your next session. The idea is to get used to working in short bursts while getting as much done as you can.
Don’t work longer than 30 minutes!

Once you get started, there’s a tendency to work longer than 30 minutes. “I’m just getting started!” “This is really going good; I shouldn’t stop here.” Yes, you should. You are only allowed to work for 30 minutes. The reason? You want to create a new skill and PUMP IT UP but not overdo it. Quit while you’re ahead, then continue the next day. Meet each day’s challenge with fresh energy.
Get a timer
Get a timer and set it for 30 minutes. Make sure it’s got a good, loud alarm on it so it will interrupt you. There are cheap digital timers you can buy and free timers online. Admit it—you’ve got an egg timer in your junk drawer. Your smartphone probably has one as well. So, no excuse. Set it and don’t forget it.
Do it every day for at least two weeks

Just like body building, creative muscle building happens over time. Do your songwriting workouts for two weeks, then look in the mirror. You won’t look any different. (Sorry!) But you will feel different… about your songwriting. More confident. More in control.
So… what are you waiting for!!!??? Put those feet down on the floor. Pick up that guitar. Turn off the TV and get going… for 30 minutes.
Check out Part 2 in this series of blog posts for a great bunch of 30-minute sessions that will get you started on a new song in any style. 30-Minute Sessions: Launch Your Next Song